Members of the Taylor-Wilson Camp 10 honored the Camp's Name Sake Bvt.  Major  Forrester Taylor in a ceremony at Salem Chuck in Fredericksburg; the location at which Bvt. Maj Forester Taylor won the Medal of Honor

2022 - 2023 Calendar of Events (Times and dates to be determined as public health rules and conditions allow)

September 1, 2022 - Camp Meeting at the Depot Grill 6:30 pm

Dated to be Determined: Dedication Ceremony for State Historical Marker at E.C. Glass honoring the POW Camp Prisoners.

November 3, 2022 - Camp Meeting at the Depot Grill 6:30 (Elections and Installation of Officers)

January 5, 2023 - Camp Meeting at the Depot Grill 6:30 pm

February DTBD - Lincoln Birthday Dinner

******* In addition to these scheduled events members may also participate in Living Histories and Battle re-enactments as the James River Rifles (SVR)